Your Excellency,
I am writing to you on behalf of the World Medical Association (WMA), the global federation of National Medical Associations representing millions of physicians worldwide.
The WMA plays a key role in promoting good practice, medical ethics and medical accountability internationally. Amongst the several procedures in progress against the Turkish Medical Association (TMA) and its members, we would like to draw your attention to the case related to its 11 Council officials suspected of acting against law no. 6023 (on the responsibilities and missions of TMA) and risking of being dismissed from their elective functions on charge of terrorist propaganda. The next hearing is scheduled on the 8th of February.
As stated in previous correspondences, TMA has been a trustworthy member of our organizations for many years, recognized for its commitment to serve public health interests, to protect patients and physicians with great respect of the ethical values of the profession. Charging our Turkish colleagues with conducting activities promoting the use of violence is not only incongruous, but also unfounded and dishonest.
We witness the integrity and loyalty of TMA and its representatives and consider that these allegations are an insult to the entire medical profession. We note with serious concern the continuing harassment against the TMA. In doing so, the Turkish authorities are acting to the detriment of the health and well-being of its population, with adverse impacts on the health system and the accessibility to health care. We call on you to take all measures so that all charges against the TMA and its members are immediately dropped.
We strongly recommend a change in mindset in favour of a constructive partnership with the representatives of the medical profession in Turkey.
Dr Frank Ulrich Montgomery, WMA Chair of Council