Centre for Applied Human Rights, University of York: Protective Fellowship Scheme

Offers training, networking, and rest from a difficult working environment for 3 to 6 months .

Applications for fellowships can only be made via designated nominating organisations. The Centre cannot consider individual petitions.

Information: https://www.york.ac.uk/cahr/defenders/protective-fellowship/#tab-2

* Up to 10 Human Rights Defenders

International Federation of Journalists: Safety Fund

The Foundation provides ad hoc solidarity funds. Funds can be used for legal advice or defence of prosecuted or jailed journalist/media staff.

Also provide immediate humanitarian assistance for journalists or families of journalists and media staff whose "bread-winner" has been jailed or prosecuted.

Medical fees for jailed/prosecuted journalists or a family member.

Recently, they started one for journalists in Turkey.

Human Rights Watch: Hellman/Hammett Grant Program

Hellman/Hammett grants typically range from $1,000
to a maximum of $10,000. In addition to providing much needed financial
assistance, the Hellman/Hammett grants focus attention on repression of free
speech and censorship by publicizing the persecution that the grant recipients
endured. In some cases, the publicity is a protection against further abuse. In
other cases, the writers request anonymity because of the dangerous
circumstances in which they and their families are living.

Free Press Unlimited: Reporters Respond

Offers: knowledge and resources that help the recipient to circumvent censorship and communicate safely and securely; safety and security courses (on location or elsewhere); quick, concrete solutions in the event of an emergency

Application Form: https://www.freepressunlimited.org/en/projects/reporters-respond-emergency-funding-for-the-media

* The fund targets journalists confronted with vandalism or intimidations for the work they do

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